miércoles, septiembre 20

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Chavez Calls Bush ‘The Devil’

Video From Speech
Published: September 20, 2006

It is not always easy to tell what a politician is thinking, but it is safe to assume that when President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela spoke at the United Nations today, he was not angling for an invitation to visit President Bush’s Texas ranch.
“Yesterday, the devil came here,” Mr. Chavez told the General Assembly, alluding to Mr. Bush’s speech to the assembly on Tuesday. “Right here. Right here. And it smells of sulfur still today, this table that I am now standing in front of.”

Then Mr. Chavez made the sign of the cross, brought his hands together as if in prayer and glanced toward the ceiling.

The moment may not become as famous as Nikita Khrushchev’s finger-wagging, shoe-thumping interruptions of the General Assembly in the cold-war era, but it still produced chuckles and some applause in the assembly hall.

In case anyone had missed the point, Mr. Chavez drove it home:

“Yesterday, ladies and gentlemen, from this rostrum, the president of the United States, the gentleman to whom I refer as the devil, came here, talking as if he owned the world. Truly. As the owner of the world.”

Mr. Chavez, a left-wing populist who tried to seize power in a coup six years before winning election in 1998 on a tide of poverty-driven resentment, looked somewhat incongruous in a buttoned-up gray suit as he delivered an address that blended anti-Americanism with snippets of American life and culture.

“I think we could call a psychiatrist to analyze yesterday’s statement by the president of the United States,” Mr. Chavez went on. “As the spokesman of imperialism, he came to share his nostrums, to try to preserve the current pattern of domination, exploitation and pillage of the peoples of the world.

An Alfred Hitchcock movie could use it as a scenario. I would even propose a title: ‘The Devil’s Recipe.’ ”

Mr. Bush spoke on Tuesday about Iran’s nuclear ambitions and how they might be curbed, and about his broader visions for the Middle East ­ visions that Mr. Chavez saw as insincere, ridiculous or both.

Wherever he looks, he sees extremists,” said Mr. Chavez, who won office by defeating a businessman educated at Yale, Mr. Bush’s alma mater. “He looks at your color, and he says, ‘Oh, there’s an extremist.’ Evo Morales, the worthy president of Bolivia, looks like an extremist to him.”

Indeed, Mr. Morales, another leftist, does raise potential problems for United States interests in Latin America, though perhaps not as thorny as those posed by Mr. Chavez. Unlike Bolivia, Venezuela belongs to the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and is a major energy supplier to the United States, and Mr. Chavez has courted Fidel Castro and the leaders of Iran and Syria, all factors that make him a man Washington must watch.
Mr. Chavez’s remarks were translated from Spanish, and while subtleties can sometimes be lost in translation, his feelings about the United States seemed to come through clearly enough. The United States, he said, is “the gravest threat looking over our planet, placing at risk the very survival of the human species.”
“We appeal to the people of the United States to halt this threat, like a sword hanging over our heads,” Mr. Chavez said.

It was not clear if Mr. Chavez was exhorting Americans to rise up in revolution, or if his gibe was an indirect reference to previous American-aided upheavals in Central and South America. The Venezuelan also had sharp words for the United Nations, which he said is “antidemocratic” and “doesn’t work.”
Needless to say, the speech did not go down well with American officials. John R. Bolton, the United States ambassador to the United Nations, called the remarks “insulting.” Tom Casey, a State Department spokesman in Washington, was a bit more diplomatic, saying, “I don’t think you’ll find it surprising that we disagree with the views that were expressed in President Chavez’s remarks.

President Bush often notes that some of America’s enemies of yesterday, notably Japan and Germany, are now friends. But any rapprochement with the Caracas government would seem to be a long way off, to judge by Mr. Chavez’s closing remarks.

“It smells of sulfur here, but God is with us, and I embrace you all,” he said. “May God bless us all. Good day to you.”
Ayuda segun color

  • ¿Solo Hugo Chavez lo ve asi?
  • Reescribirlo en términos del golpe de estado de Carmona que impulsó Usamerica contra Chavez: esta mas cerca en el tiempo, mas relacionado con la realidad de hoy y explica mejor porque Chavez trata a Bush de "Devil".
  • ¿No sera que Usamerica es un problema para Evo y para cualquiera que no se someta a la voluntad usamericana en vez del al reves?¿cual es el pais que invade con tropas, promueve golpes de estado etc? ¿Bolivia?.
  • ¿Que hay de la
  • venta sin altibajos de petroleo durante todo el gobierno de Chavez? (incluso cuando USamerica cometia sus peores crimenes en Irak?), ¿de su defensa de un precio del barril que no se vaya a las nubes?
  • ¿¿Washington debe vigilar o
  • hay que cuidarse Washington??? ¿quien es el que ataca a cualquier pais, incluso "preventivamente"? ¿Venezuela?
  • pensar cual es la relacion del
  • veto con la democracia. Pensar como funcionaron las Naciones Unidas para detener la ultima agresion de Israel a Libano (no funcionaron pues Usamerica vetó las iniciativas para el cese del fuego todo el tiempo que pudo)

Convenientemente el New York Times olvidó comentar estas afirmaciones de Chavez

  • ''EEUU protege el terrorismo''
  • ''el más grande terrorista del continente'',- refiriéndose a Luis Posada Carriles- está protegido por el gobierno de Estados Unidos. ''Él se fugó se Venezuela y ahora está aquí en Estados Unidos. El fue convicto y confeso''
  • ''Yo acuso al gobierno de Estados Unidos de proteger el terrorismo y de tener un discurso totalmente cínico'

la razón es obvia: por mas que Chavez sea amigo de Fidel Castro a Posada Carriles lo protegen los orcos... y no hay presidente de Iran ni amenaza alguna que pueda ocultar la doble moral de los orcs!!.

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